Cours Débutant 2 (A2)
Pour ceux qui maîtrisent les bases du chinois
Avec ce cours, vous allez pouvoir vous exprimer dans le passé, le présent et le futur. Vous apprendrez à développer des conversations plus interactives sur divers sujets, toujours dans un esprit pratique (comment demander son chemin, échanger de la monnaie, décrire votre vie sociale, présenter vos amis…).
Ce que vous allez apprendre :
• 250 mots
• Dire des phrases du quotidien
• Converser sur divers thèmes (hobbies, le temps, les relations humaines…)
• Accepter ou décliner une invitation (comment inviter quelqu'un, rejeter poliment une invitation)
• Expliquer une situation (parler au chauffeur du taxi, à un médecin)
• Se présenter
• Comparer des choses
Course lesson titles
Lesson | Chinese | English |
1 | 这个演唱会很特别 | This concert is speical |
2 | 一起去酒吧,怎么样 | Let's go to bar, whaddya say? |
3 | 我昨天没去哪儿 | I didn't go anywhere yesterday |
4 | 你不可以一边玩手机一边开车 | You can't use a cellphone while driving |
5 | Review 1 | |
6 | 哪儿都很热闹 | It's lively everywhere |
7 | 还是少吃甜食吧! | You should eat less dessert |
8 | 给爸妈写封信(内容关于在中国留学的事) | Writing a letter to your parents |
9 | 这儿比那儿冷多了 | Here is much colder than there |
10 | 欢迎你搬来! | Welcome to our neighborhood |
11 | Review 2 | |
12 | 你想把画挂在哪儿? | Where do you want to hang this picture up? |
13 | 你搬得上去吗? | Can you move it? |
14 | 记在手机里 | Taking notes on your cellphone |
15 | 火锅 | Hotpot |
16 | 请把护照拿出来 | Can I have your passport? |
17 | Review 3 | |
18 | 我很久没看到他了 | I haven't seen him for a long time. |
19 | 这儿有空房间吗? | Is there any room available? |
20 | 京剧,我听不懂 | Peking opera....I can't understand what they're saying |
21 | 你的脸色看起来不太好 | You don't look so good |
22 | 我买不起这台电脑 | I can't afford this computer |
23 | Review 4 | |
24 | 我坐错车了 | I took the wrong bus |
25 | 电视被弄坏了 | This TV is broken |
26 | 手机让我给弄丢了 | I lost my cell phone |
27 | 小偷是谁 | Who is the thief? |
28 | 你为什么现在才来 | Why did you show up so late? |
29 | Review 5 | |
30 | 我找不到我的钱包 | I can't find my wallet |
31 | 他学汉语,才学了三个月 | I have only learned Chinese for 3 months |
32 | 你对这件事情了解吗? | Do you understand this issue? |
33 | 我在门口等着你 | I am waiting for you at doorway |
34 | 你别躺着读书 | Don't read books while lying down |
35 | Review 6 | |
36 | 那位高高的先生是我丈夫 | The tall guy is my husband |
37 | 一个故事 | A story |
38 | 她有事,去不了 | She has plans and can't make it |
39 | 我们好好儿地庆祝一下儿 | We should celebrate! |
40 | Review 7 | |
41 | 收到礼物 | Gift received |
42 | 我常常累得起不来 | I'm often so tired I can't get up |
43 | 欢送会 | Farewell party |
44 | 你最好别再晚睡了 | Best to not go to bed too late |
45 | Overview |