is Chinese a phonetic language

Is Chinese a phonetic language?

Is Chinese a phonetic language? English speakers tend to have a lot of question about how Chinese as a language…. actually works. Is Chinese a phonetic language? What is the Chinese alphabet? How do Chinese learn their own language? Well, let’s go through these one at a time. Chinese is NOT a phonetic language Let’s[…]

how to write your chinese name

How to write your name in Chinese? | The 100 Most Common English Names in Chinese

How to write your name in Chinese? The 100 most common men’s and women’s names in Chinese Even if you don’t have a “Chinese Name,” you still have a Chinese name. That’s because the Chinese language takes common English names and puts them into the most phonetically similar sounds available in Chinese. Take the names[…]

mandarin and chinese

What’s the difference between Chinese and Mandarin? Is Mandarin Chinese?

Difference Between Chinese and Mandarin Usually, when you hear Mandarin you immediately associate it with Chinese. Heck, the two words usually appear right next to each other – “Mandarin Chinese!” But what exactly is the difference between Chinese and Mandarin? What does Mandarin mean by itself? Understanding the Chinese Language Chinese is the umbrella term[…]

learn chinese through english

How to learn Chinese through English

How to learn Chinese through English? Many students don’t even know how to approach learning the Chinese language at the beginning. To learn English (or other romance languages!), you first learn the letters of the alphabet, their sounds, how they combine into words, and so on and so forth. But, how to learn Chinese if there’s[…]

What is 100 in chinese

What is 100 in Chinese?

What is 100 in Chinese? Answer: The number one hundred in Chinese is 一百 pronounced yībǎi. How to count in Chinese The number system in Chinese is much more logical than in English. The number for one is just one dash (一) and is pronounced (yī). The number two has two horizontal dashes (二 ) and it’s[…]

learn mandarin in 5 mins

How to Speak Chinese in 5 Minutes | The Beginners Guide to Chinese

Speak Chinese in 5 Minutes Ok, so we’re writing this blog post “how to speak Chinese in 5 Minutes” only because so many people have searched it. Disclaimer: you can not learn any language in 5 minutes and if you tell someone that you learned Chinese in 5 minutes… they will either laugh at you[…]

10 best blogs for chinese learners

The 10 Best Blogs for Chinese Learners

The 10 Best Blogs for Chinese Learners Currently, Chinese is the second largest international language and is becoming increasingly popular to learn as a second language. For those of you looking to find the best Chinese language learning content on the internet, we’re here today to recommend you the top 10 trustworthy and useful blogs[…]

1000 most common chinese vocabulary

1000 Most Common Chinese Words

1000 Most Common Chinese Here’s the full list of the top 1000 most common Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences are[…]

how to teach your kids mandarin

How to Teach Chinese to Your Kids as a Non-Native Speaker

How to Teach Chinese to Your Kids (as a Non-Native Speaker!) Mandarin Chinese, the official language of Taiwan and China is one of the most popular languages with approximately 1 billion speakers worldwide. It also has a powerful economy that will be impactful for years to come. Now, while Chinese is among the most difficult language[…]

how to teach hard mandarin for your kids

How hard is it for kids to learn Chinese?

How hard is it for kids to learn Chinese? Kids can learn a new or even a second language very easily. Even though many people view Chinese as a tough language, it’s much easier for kids. Kids quickly grasp new concepts because their brain is still at a developmental stage. A kid’s mind is not[…]

500 Most Useful Chinese Words

500 Most Useful Chinese Here’s the full list of the top 500 most common Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences are[…]

250 Most Important Chinese Words

250 Most Important Chinese Words Here’s the full list of the top 250 most “important” Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences[…]