top 100 chinese words

100 Most Common Chinese words

100 Most Common Chinese Here’s the full list of the top 100 most common Chinese words with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. All sentences are[…]

study chinese

How is Mandarin spoken in Singapore?

Learning a new language, may it be in spoken or written form, should be one of the things you should add to your bucket list. Only after you learn a new language will you realize just how many opportunities it opens for you. This is especially true for Mandarin Chinese. The Chinese language is the[…]

chinese translation app

Best Chinese Translator Apps

Best Chinese Translator Apps Chinese is hard to read! There are so many Chinese words to learn that you can often find yourself in a situation where you can’t read Chinese. Luckily, there are translator apps that can help with all types of situation. Finding the meaning of the word, looking up the character based[…]

fun ways to teach kids chinese

5 Fun Ways for Kids to Learn Chinese

  5 Fun Ways for Kids to Learn Chinese Chinese has been referred to as the language of opportunity and it definitely holds true in 2018. Teaching your children Chinese is an amazing way to prepare them for the world of tomorrow while gaining all the benefits of knowing a second language. But if you’re already[…]

why should your child learn chiense

5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Learn Chinese

5 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Be Learning Chinese In today’s world, Chinese is one of the hottest languages to learn. However, most people incorrectly assume that it’s a hard language to learn. It just isn’t true! If done right, Chinese can be one of the easiest languages to learn. And once they do learn[…]

kids learn chinese apps

Best Apps for Kids to Learn Chinese | TutorMandarin

Best Apps for Kids to Learn Chinese Every parent wants their child to be able to thrive and survive in the world of tomorrow. It increasingly looks like China and the Chinese language will be a major part of the next global shift. Luckily, children are adept at learning new languages and if their parents[…]

ios apps to learn mandarin

Top 10 iOS Apps to Learn Chinese

Top 10 iOS Apps to Learn Chinese Chinese is one of the most widely spoken languages on earth. It’s also one of the most popular languages on the internet. If you’re one of the Chinese learners and using iPhone, you can study Chinese easily on your phone. Now we’ve selected the top 10 apps to[…]

list of things you dont know about chinese culture

18 Things You Didn’t Know About Chinese Culture

18 Things You Didn’t Know About Chinese Culture   China. The most populated country on the planet. With around 1.4 billion people, or 20% of the world’s population, you would think there are no secrets left regarding China’s rich heritage and culture. But I’ve got news for you. This vast country has a unique cultural[…]

what are chinese words

How to distinguish between Chinese characters and words

How to distinguish between characters and words when reading Chinese? If you are a beginning Chinese learner sometimes you have trouble differentiating between Chinese characters and Chinese words. The problem is that in Chinese writing there are no spaces in between words like English. This means that any two characters next to each other could[…]

total number of chinese words

How Many Chinese Words Are There? How many Chinese Characters?

How many in Chinese Characters How many words are there in the Chinese language? Or how many Chinese characters are there? Is it the same or does it make a difference? Chinese is not English. Chinese is a comprised of pictograms that are referred to as characters. Characters are used alone or combined together to[…]

learn pinyin tones

How to memorize Chinese pinyin tone marks | TutorMandarin

 How to memorize Chinese pinyin tone marks? Chinese is a tonal language with 4 tones and 1 non-tone! For someone that’s never learned a tonal language before, this can be quite difficult to get used. It means you have to add pitch to every word you say and be able to do it smoothly and[…]

improve your spoken chinese

5 Ways to Practice Conversational Chinese

5 ways to practice your conversational Chinese Polyglots will almost universally recommend that, when learning a new language, you should start speaking it out loud as soon as possible. For some this co, es easy. For some, this is nerve-wracking. For some, they want to do it but just don’t know how to get spoken[…]