Time zones in China

Time Zones in China

Time Zones in China – What to Know We all know that Russia (俄国 – Éguó*) is the largest country in the world with approximately 17,098,242 square kilometers. It covers more than one-eighth of the Earths’ inhabited land and boasts an impressive 11 time zones (时区 – shíqū*). It’s neighbor China (中国 – Zhōngguó*) has[…]

how to count in chinese using hands

Chinese Number Gestures |Counting in Chinese and Learning Numbers with Hands

  Chinese Number Gestures Learning numbers and counting in Chinese with hands We’ve learnt numbers in Chinese previously, so today let’s talk about something related ”Chinese hand counting”. The beauty of the Chinese numerable signals is that you can count from one to nine just by using one hand. You don’t need to be a nine-fingered[…]

time in Chinese

Ask About Time

Whether you are making travel arrangements or asking others schedule in Chinese-speaking countries, you have to know how to times,  dates, and more in the Chinese language. Learning how to talk and ask about time can help you organize the itinerary, and avoid you from confusion. So, let’s learn “how to ask about time” as[…]

Chinese vegetables names

Chinese vegetables Names that You Must Know

    Learn Chinese Vegetables Names Learn Vegetables in Mandarin Chinese A lot of times with foods, translation don’t always work so well for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the food is regional or local, and China doesn’t naturally have that type of food. Sometimes, China has a version of that plant or vegetable that[…]

Greetings friends in Chinese

Learn Chinese Greeting Words – Meeting People in Mandarin

Learn Chinese Greeting Words! Greeting friends in the Chinese language is not as hard as you think. It’s always nice to start a relationship with “greeting”. And you are required to have a basic concept of it in order to ask Chinese locals for help or express your needs. This post is totally what you[…]

a blog about chinese food from china

Chinese food list with pictures | The best Chinese dishes to order

Chinese food list with pictures | The best Chinese dishes to order Some people who haven’t been to Asia before and thinking about going on vacation or even living in China, have prejudices about chinese food. Due to this TutorMandarin wants to introduce you some typical dishes and what foreigners might be aware of, to[…]

how to say family in chinese

Family Members in Chinese

Wanna introduce your family to others in the Chinese language, but no idea where to start from? No worries, in today’s lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about the size of your family, and of course, the members in it. Let’s start! Introducing family members in Chinese Ask About Family 1) A: Nǐ jiā yǒu duōshǎo[…]

how to type chinese

How to Type in Chinese Characters on a Keyboard

How do you type in Chinese characters on the keyboard?   You want to know how keyboards or typing in the Chinese language works — since it’s done with thousands of complex characters instead of 26 letters. Here’s the best visual we can give you for now with an explanation. Let’s say you’re typing on wechat or[…]

count to 10 in chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 | Learn to Count to 99 in Chinese

Chinese Numbers 1-100 Let’s learn how to count in Chinese today. Good news, the numerical system in Chinese language learning is very straightforward and simple! Different from English, it doesn’t require you to count multiples of ten such as twenty, or forty in unique way, and it doesn’t require you to add “-teen” after numbers[…]

travel to china checklist

Air Pollution in China Facts | Better Know Your AQI

Air Pollution in China Facts If you are thinking about traveling or living in mainland China, then you’re probably concerned about pollution. While you’ve undoubtedly heard many horror stories about different types of pollution (water, food, sound), today we will focus primarily on the air quality in China and smog in particular. To give some[…]

Understanding, learning chinese, mandarin, chinese, studying chinese, tutormandarin

Thank You in Chinese

How to say thank you in Chinese When starting to learn Chinese there are certain necessary phrases you need to learn first. And isn’t it better to start with the polite ones? So we’re going to start with a word second in importance only to ‘Ni Hao!’. A word you will hear frequently throughout your[…]

how to ask name in mandarin

How to Ask Name in Mandarin?

How to ask name in Mandarin? Getting to know someone else isn’t always that simple — especially when it is in another language. Trying to speak even just a few sentences in the native language of a foreigner you want to get to know, always shows your interest and respect to that person. And as we[…]