Mandarin chinese weather

Ask About the Weather

Planning to visit around the city during your travel in China? Perhaps going on a hike would be a perfect choice! To be sure, asking about the weather before going would definitely be a wise move. Today, we are going to learn how to talk about the climate and some short conversations about the weather[…]

sorry in mandarin

5 Ways to Say Sorry in Chinese

Have you ever bumped into someone and not knowing how to say sorry in Mandarin? Or have you ever heard people saying these phrases throughout your travel in China? Certainly, “Please, thank you, and sorry” are the most useful magic phrases in all around the world. Knowing how to apologize is important and a way[…]

Talk Family tree in Spoken Chinese

Chinese Family Tree

For many Chinese language learners, family titles in Chinese are for sure a pain in the neck. It might rack your brain just trying to say “uncle” or “cousin” right. In Chinese, they give each family member a title. From your mother’s side to your father’s side, to each generation, and gender…etc. For this reason,[…]

Chinese Chengyu – 如鱼得水

      Chinese Chengyu – 如魚得水 The chengyu 如鱼得水 (rú yú dé shuǐ) breaks down to like (如rú) fish (鱼yú in (得 dé) water (水shuǐ). This corresponds almost perfectly with the classic English idiom, “like a fish takes to water” but with an emphasis on finding a good environment or natural home. During the[…]

Chinese song blog learn chinese olive tree

Olive Tree (橄榄树) by Qi Yu齐豫

  Olive Tree Chyi Yu or Qi Yu (齐齊豫; born on October 17, 1957) is a Taiwanese singer best known for her 1979 hit, “The Olive Tree” (橄榄树). This is a well-known song among older generations but you would never get tired of listening to it. The song is about how one struggle in life[…]

blog about how to order food using chinese language

How to Order Food in Chinese

How to order food in Chinese? Food is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. For most Chinese people, socializing around food and mealtimes is very important, because their family life revolves around the dinner table. Besides that, Chinese dishes are famous around the world, which involve a wide range and variety of ingredients, based on the[…]

top recommended

Top Recommended from TutorMandarin- Lingolistic

   TutorMandarin’s top recommendation     TutorMandarin Reviews – Lingolistic   The Hype At TutorMandarin, we’re big fans of Armel Pingault, the former CTO of Chinesepod. So, we were very excited to try out the latest project he’s been working on – a web-app called “Lingolistic”. The name alone leads to high expectations. A “holistic”[…]

Chinese chengyu

Chinese chengyu – 談虎色變

Chinese chengyu – 談虎色變 The chéngyǔ 谈虎色变 (tán hǔ sè biàn) is broken down in into the four words –  talk to(谈tán ) tiger (虎hǔ) color (色sè) change (变biàn). This is often translated to “one’s expression changes when ‘tiger’ is mentioned.’’ Once upon a time, there was man talking to his fellow villagers (村民 cūnmín)[…]

Understanding China - PART 02 - Know your Chinese Zodiac Animals - Blog

Understand Chinese Zodiac Animals – Part 2

  Chinese Zodiac Animal Last time we’ve already given you some information about the Chinese Zodiac Animal – All in all 12 different animals with different attributes. Today we will continue with the next 4 zodiac animals: dragon (龙 / 龍 lóng), snake (蛇 shé), horse (马 / 馬 mǎ) and goat (羊 yáng).  […]

Unterstanding China - PART XX - Know your Chinese Zodiac Animals - Blog

Know Your Chinese Zodiac Animal – Part 1

  Chinese Zodiac Animal You might have noticed that many Chinese market or department stores hang the ornaments of chicken on their front doors or ceiling. That’s because Chinese people celebrate Chinese New Year during the 27th of January and the 1st of February 2017 and the Chinese zodiac animal of the upcoming year is[…]

top recommended

Top recommended from TutorMandarin – Zizzle

TutorMandarin’s Top Recommendation –TutorMandarin Reviews – Zizzle The Hype Being devoted to helping people being able to speak Chinese, we know taking lessons from teachers isn’t enough. You also need nice supplements to improve the weak points. For many students, their difficulty is to “pick up the Chinese characters”. But no worries, after an in-person[…]

talking about hobbies

Different Hobbies in Chinese with Your Friends

Talk about hobbies in Chinese? Having a hobby is very important to leading a well-balanced life. Pursuing a hobby can provide us with a refreshing break from the bustling life. Moreover, having some like-minded friends sharing common hobbies with us is awesome! So, how do you like to spend your spare time? Some people also[…]