how to ask name in mandarin

How to Ask Name in Mandarin?

How to ask name in Mandarin? Getting to know someone else isn’t always that simple — especially when it is in another language. Trying to speak even just a few sentences in the native language of a foreigner you want to get to know, always shows your interest and respect to that person. And as we[…]

learn chinese chengyu

Chinese Chengyu – 畫蛇添足 | Drawing a Snake and Adding Legs To It

Animal Chengyu – Drawing a snake and adding legs to it? Animal Chinese Chengyu 画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú ) breaks down to drawing (画 huà ) snake (蛇shé) add (添tiān) legs/feet (足 zú). In English, we would say “drawing the snake and adding legs to it” or simply “adding legs to a snake.” This chéngyǔ[…]

Chinese Chengyu

Chinese Chengyu – 守株待兔 – Holding a tree and waiting for a rabbit

Chinese Chengyu – Holding a tree and waiting for a rabbit Chinese Chengyu 守株待兔 (shǒu zhū dài tù) breaks down to hold (守 shǒu) plant  (株 zhū) wait (待 dài) rabbit (兔 tù). In English, this is translated to ‘holding the tree and waiting for the rabbit’ or ‘keeping watch at the tree awaiting a rabbit.’[…]