sorry in mandarin

5 Ways to Say Sorry in Chinese

Have you ever bumped into someone and not knowing how to say sorry in Mandarin? Or have you ever heard people saying these phrases throughout your travel in China? Certainly, “Please, thank you, and sorry” are the most useful magic phrases in all around the world. Knowing how to apologize is important and a way[…]

Talk Family tree in Spoken Chinese

Chinese Family Tree

For many Chinese language learners, family titles in Chinese are for sure a pain in the neck. It might rack your brain just trying to say “uncle” or “cousin” right. In Chinese, they give each family member a title. From your mother’s side to your father’s side, to each generation, and gender…etc. For this reason,[…]

mandarin leftover women

Chinese Leftover Women

  In most parts of the world, women are still living under a lot of stereotypes. For example, women should get married around their twenties and have a baby around thirties. Women should do housework, stay home and take care of the child, women should…etc etc etc. In the 21st century, it’s still hard to[…]

phrases in Chinese

11 Crucial Chinese Phrases You Must Know

  11 Crucial Chinese Phrases You Must Know Before you head off to China, you must know some basic Chinese in order to interact with locals. In this video, you could not only learn phrases that are extremely useful but also some tips while traveling in China. Here, besides the typical “hellos” and “goodbyes” here[…]

learn chinese characters

Learn Chinese Characters Like a Duck to Water

  Learn Chinese Like a Duck to Water Chinese characters are probably one of the most complicated parts of Chinese language learning. However, it might be the main reason why some of you start to learn Chinese language or some who decided to back out from it. Chinese language is not like other languages that[…]

relationship and marriage

Ask About Relationships and Marriage

  Ask About Realationship Research shows that healthy relationships can help you live longer, deal with stress, be healthier, and even feels richer! Moreover, relationships play a really important part in our day to day life. Just think about it, no matter it is between you and your friends, your family, or your other half,[…]

sun yen zi

Sun Yen Zi 孫燕姿 – The Sky is Dark 天黑黑

  The Sky is Dark 天黑黑 Sun Yan Zi is also known as Sng Ee Tze, Stefanie Sun, is both a singer and a songwriter. She is known as the Singaporean Mandopop queen. Stefanie, the award-winning singer, based her career in Taiwan and has sold over 30 million copies of her albums thus far. Moreover, her[…]

Countries in Chinese

Learn Country Names in Chinese

Country Names in Chinese | TutorMandarin Online Chinese Learning The very first thing you learn when you have your first lesson in any foreign languages is how to introduce yourself. Your name, your country, and your hobbies. Check out how to introduce your name in Chinese here! How to ask about hobbies in Chinese here![…]

what Chinese Zodiac animal am i

Know Your Chinese Zodiac Animal – Part 3

Completing our series about Chinese Zodiac Animals we want to give you some more information about the probably most important animal of this year, the rooster. Today we will introduce you the last four missing Chinese Zodiac Animals: The monkey (猴 hóu), the rooster (鸡 / 雞 jī), the dog (狗 gǒu) and last but[…]

Chinese Chengyu – 如鱼得水

      Chinese Chengyu – 如魚得水 The chengyu 如鱼得水 (rú yú dé shuǐ) breaks down to like (如rú) fish (鱼yú in (得 dé) water (水shuǐ). This corresponds almost perfectly with the classic English idiom, “like a fish takes to water” but with an emphasis on finding a good environment or natural home. During the[…]

a mei songs Chinese songs

A Mei songs you need to know – Listen to the sea 聽海

  Liesten To The Sea A-MEI (阿妹) also known as Chang Hui-mei (张惠妹) is a popular Taiwanese aboriginal pop singer and songwriter. She has countless hits start from 1996 until now, released numbers of albums and singles every other year. For example, “Sisters” (姊妹), “You want nothing (from me) after all” (原来你什麼都不要), “Listen to the Sea”[…]

wakin chau

Wakin Chau 周華健 – Friends 朋友

  “Friends” In Chinese Song Wakin Chau also is known as HuaJian Zhou (born 22 December 1960), is a singer and actor from Hong Kong. He first started his music career in Taiwan which has released more than 40 albums in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English afterward. Friends play a really important part in our life. No matter[…]