TutorMandarin Virtual Classroom FAQ

tutormandarin technical problems


TutorMandarin Virtual Classroom FAQ

  1. Can’t see the tutor’s video

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Check if the camera works properly
      2. Check for an issues with thislink: http://api.duobeiyun.com/ittest/content.html?result=CALLBACK_URL&lang=en&uid=123456&KEY=VALUE
      3. Check if there is any other program using the camera
      4. Check if the camera works successfully in other software (skype, qq, etc)
    2. Student side:

      1. Check if the network connection with the link: http://www.speedtest.net/
      2. Check if the audio works or not
      3. Quit from the current classroom and rejoin again
  2. Can’t see the studio video

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Check if the networks goes fine. Rejoin the classroom.
      2. Check with the link: http://www.speedtest.net/
      3. Check if the audio works or not
      4. Quit from the current classroom and rejoin again.
    2. Student side:

      1. Check if the camera works properly
      2. Check for an issues with thislink: http://api.duobeiyun.com/ittest/content.html?result=CALLBACK_URL&lang=en&uid=123456&KEY=VALUE
      3. Check if there is any other program using the camera
      4. Check if the camera works successfully in other software (skype, qq, etc)
  3. Can’t send messages

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Check if the ‘websocket status’ is shown as ‘connected’
      2. Refresh the whole page and wait for the ‘websocket status’ to become ‘connected’
    2. Student side:

      1. Refresh the whole page and wait for 1 min. Send message again to check. If the message in the chat box shows as ‘black’ instead of ‘red’, it is fixed.
      2. If not working, alert your tutor — they can address the problem from their side
  4. Can’t upload PDF

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Click ‘upload’ button and select the file you want to upload
      2. Wait for the pop-up alert to disappear automatically. (Warning: Don’t click any other area of the whiteboard, otherwise, it means you cancel the uploading process)
      3. After the pop-up disappears automatically, the whiteboard might remain blank for a minute. Wait until the first images are loaded.
  5. The PDF doesn’t “fully” load

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Click ‘Previous’ or ‘Next’ buttons on the bottom. Wait for 1 minute to check if the image is loaded or not.
      2. Upload the pdf again and check if the pages come back or not.
  6. The PDF is taking too long to load

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Cancel the upload process
      2. Re-upload again the pdf
  7. Can’t choose file to load

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Refresh the page to initiate the whiteboard again
      2. Make sure you only click ‘upload’ button once and wait for the pop-up dialogue to come back up
  8. Can’t save file

    1. This feature is not currently active in our whiteboard
  9. Can’t video record lesson

    1. This feature is not currently active in our whiteboard
    2. The system does automatic recorded depending on the company’s preferences
  10. ‘My status’ disconnect

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Check your hardware are all ready for the classroom (camera, microphone, etc) with this link http://api.duobeiyun.com/ittest/content.html?result=CALLBACK_URL&lang=en&uid=123456&KEY=VALUE
      2. Check if you allow your browser to access your hardware
      3. Refresh the page or rejoin the classroom again
  11. Websocket disconnect

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Refresh the page or rejoin the classroom again.  
  12. Can’t submit class notes

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Click the button again to double check
      2. Login the website again and goes to the classnote list to modify the one you want.
    2. Student side:

      1. Login to your account in another tab
      2. Try again to submit notes
  13. Internet connection unstable

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Restart your model or switcher or router.
      2. Join the class again.
    2. Student side:

      1. Restart your model or switcher or router
      2. Join the class again
  14. Can only see whiteboard tools moving

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Refresh the page or rejoin the classroom.
    2. Student side:

      1. Refresh the page or rejoin the classroom.
  15. What happens if the student leaves the class

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Ask our consultant to check if the student doesn’t want to finish the class.
      2. If student doesn’t want to finish the class, click ‘End’ to mark this lesson is already finished.
      3. If student meets some problem which leads to leave the classroom, ask IT support to check what happened to the student
    2. 2) Student side:

      1. If student meets problems in classroom, contact consultant to get support.
  16. What happens if tutor leaves the class

    1. 1) Tutor side:

      1. If tutor leave classroom by exception, try to rejoin it first. At this time, student will be kick-off from the classroom too. Ask the consultant to inform student to join again.
    2. 2) Student side:

      1. If tutor leave classroom by exception, try to rejoin it as first choice. If it still failed, ask consultant to check what happened.
  17. How join class

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Login the backend system.
      2. Click schedule to view all owned schedule.
      3. Click on the one you want to join.
      4. Click ‘Start class’ now.
      5. A new page within classroom will be shown up.
      6. Upload pdf and make sure pdf is already loaded.
      7. Send ‘hi’ in message to check if the message works.
      8. Click ‘join’ button on the right top to mark this classroom is ready for the student to join.
      9. Check if camera works for yourself.
      10. Check if student camera works after student joins.
    2. Student side:

      1. Login the student side.
      2. Check the coming up schedule class.
      3. Click item in calendar.
      4. After the tutor click ‘join’ at the backend, the ‘Start class’ button will become green from red.
      5. Click ‘Start class’ to join the classroom.
  18. How to know if i’ve successfully joined class?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Whiteboard works
      2. Message sends successfully
      3. Can see each other
      4. Can hear each other
    2. Student side:

      1. Whiteboard works
      2. Message sends successfully
      3. Can see each other
      4. Can hear each other
  19. How to leave class

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Click ‘End’ in the top right (It is important! If you don’t click this button and just close the page, the class won’t be marked as ‘Finished’.)
    2. Student side:

      1. Click ‘Leave’ in the top right
  20. Does it matter if student or tutor leaves first?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Better to wait for the student leave first.
    2. Student side:

      1. It doesn’t matter. Whether a student leaves first or tutor leaves first, a new feedback page will be shown.
  21. What does ‘Show Time’ mean?

    1. 1) Tutor side:
      1. It means how many minutes are left for this class.
      2. When it is 10 mins left, system will pop-up an alert to inform the tutor.
    2. 2) Student side:
      1. It means how many minutes are left for this class.


  1. How to zoom in?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Whiteboard, using the tool on the right hand side.
      2. The whole page, using the mouse wheel.
    2. Student side:

      1. Whiteboard, using the tool on the right hand side.
      2. The whole page, using the mouse wheel.
      3. Mobile, using two finger within some action.
  2. How to move the screen?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Use the whiteboard tool on the left side.
    2. Student side:

      1. Use the whiteboard tool on the left side.   
  3. Why does the screen move when I move my mouse?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. Try the next page and then go back to the previous page.
      2. Mouse hardware issue. Try to replace it with a new one.
    2. Student side:

      1. Move the mouse out of the screen.
      2. Mouse hardware issue. Try to replace it with a new one.
  4. Can I print?

    1. Tutor side:

      1. No
    2. Student side:

      1. No
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